Historical Fiction Book Review: A Mosaic of Wings

About the Book Title: A Mosaic of Wings Author: Kimberly Duffy Genre: Historical Fiction Publisher: Bethany House Publishers Release Date: May 5, 2020 Click here to purchase a copy of this novel for yourself. Publisher's Description "It's 1885, and all Nora Shipley wants, now that she's graduating from Cornell University as valedictorian of the entomology program, is to follow in her late father's footsteps by getting her master's degree and taking over the scientific journal he started. The only way to uphold her father's legacy is to win a scholarship, so she joins a research expedition in Kodaikanal , India, to prove herself in the field. India isn't what she expects, though, and neither is the rival classmate who accompanies her, Owen Epps. As her preconceptions of India--and of Owen--fall away, she finds both far more captivating than she expected. Forced by the expedition leader ...